Venus in Tannhaüserm at the Opéra de Paris

1963 season, Leonor Fini, Centre national du costume et de la scène, Moulins, France / dépôt Opéra national de Paris, Moulins

"Shocking" perfume by Schiaparelli

Bottle designed by Leonor Fini, Leonor Fini in collaboration with Fernand Guéry-Colas, 1937, Moulded pressed clear glass, cardboard, and coated paper.

Venus in Tannhaüserm at the Opéra de Paris

1963 season, Leonor Fini, Centre national du costume et de la scène, Moulins, France / dépôt Opéra national de Paris, Moulins

"Shocking" perfume by Schiaparelli

Bottle designed by Leonor Fini, Leonor Fini in collaboration with Fernand Guéry-Colas, 1937, Moulded pressed clear glass, cardboard, and coated paper.

Beyond painting, this section explores Leonor Fini’s relationships with major intellectuals and creatives of the 20th century. From Leo Castelli, for whom she designed furniture for an exhibition at his Paris gallery (including the precious Anthropomorphic Wardrobe displayed here), to Elsa Schiaparelli, for whom she famously designed the Shocking perfume bottle. The theatrical dimension of her work not only conceptually underpins her paintings—playing with themes of masking, dressing, and undressing—but also materializes in her collaborations with numerous theater, opera, ballet, and film productions. The exhibition showcases her stunning costumes for Tannhäuser (1963) and original sketches for stage designs at Teatro alla Scala—a partner of the exhibition—highlighting a multifaceted creativity that remains highly influential today.