Self-portrait with Red Hat

Leonor fini, 1968, Oil on canvas, Civico Museo Revoltella - Galleria d'arte moderna, Trieste © Leonor Fini Estate, Paris.

Self-portrait with Red Hat

Leonor fini, 1968, Oil on canvas, Civico Museo Revoltella - Galleria d'arte moderna, Trieste  © Leonor Fini Estate, Paris.

The exhibition Io sono Leonor Fini concludes with a collection of photographic portraits of the artist, revealing her passion for disguises and masks, along with period photographs in which she posed with the intention of self-representation. Visitors encounter the persona of Leonor Fini as she imagined and constructed herself, highlighting her obsession with self-portraiture across various media and technologies—anticipating contemporary social phenomena. The final room of the exhibition, featuring mirrors, photographs, and inscriptions, houses the painting Self-Portrait with a Red Hat, serving as Fini’s symbolic “farewell” to the audience. Visitors are invited to identify with her figure and take a photo to share on social media using the hashtag #iosonoleonorfini.